Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rib Graft Rhinoplasty & Airway Reconstruction

Rhinoplasty is one of the more common procedures performed in my aesthetic practice. Some of the more common aesthetic reasons for wanting to improve the appearance of the nose include: 1) dorsal hump, 2) wide dorsum, 3) deviated nose, and 4) nasal tip that lacks support.

When cartilage is needed to straighten a deviated nose or to provide tip support, then rib cartilage is often the best quality and of ample quantity to perform the correct maneuvers.

When correcting the dorsal hump, it is important to make sure that the nasal tip has adequate projection and tip support.

While patients are placed in a splint for one week post-operatively, I have patients tape their nose for 4 weeks post-operatively. Following the four weeks when patients return to exercise, patients should tape their nose at night.

Post-operatively, patients may choose to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy to improve their swelling post-operatively.
